
13 Ogo 2012


South Korea currently has the highest suicide rate among the others countries even surpassed Japan's rate.

Before South Korea got rich, wired and worried, its suicide rate was among the lowest in the industrialized world. But modernity has spawned inordinate levels of stress. People here work more, sleep less and spend more money per capita on cram schools than residents of the 29 other industrialized countries that belong to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.

The rate  of suicide deaths in South Korea has increase in number from a decade and some of the factor to contribute the rate because trend of South Korea's celebrity end their life by commit suicide.

Jung Ayul
Died : June 12, 2012 (aged 25)

Ayul was found by her manager and family in her house where she hung herself. She committed suicide due to depression her contract ended 6 months ago.

Park Yong Ha
Died :  June 30, 2010 (aged 32)

The actor and singer Park Yong-ha had  hung himself on his bedpost with an electrical wire due to  under stress running his own business and also pressure when he found out that his father had cancer.

Two or three days before his death, Park apparently told friends that his work and life were "too difficult." Police heard testimony from Park's friends that he suffered from insomnia due to stress and was taking sleeping pills.

Daul Kim
19 November 2009 (aged 20)

Korea Super Model was discovered hanged in her apartment in Paris on 19 November 2009 at the age of 20.The Paris prosecutor's office ruled her death as a probable suicide.Kim had suffered from depression and frustration for a long time, and had voiced her frustrations in her own weblog and in her paintings

Woo Seung Yeon
27 April 2009 (aged 25)

She found hanged at her home in Jamsil-dong, Seoul, in an apparent suicide. Prior to her death, Woo sent a text message to her sister saying "I'm sorry", and left a note in her diary that read, "I love my family. I am so sorry to leave early." The cause of death due to the over depression and fear of the future.

Jang Ja-Yeon.

Died : 7 March 2009 (aged 29) by hanged herself

Her death caused a national scandal when it emerged that she had been sexually and physically abused by a number of prominent entertainment executives during her career, and that this abuse had contributed to her depression.

Kim Ji-Hoo
Died : October 6, 2008 (aged 23)

Kim hanged himself at his home in Jamsil, southern Seoul, with a suicide note found at the scene read: "I'm lonely and in a difficult situation. Please cremate my body."  Police said his suicide reflects public prejudice toward gay people and their difficulty in succeeding in the entertainment industry.

Following the announcement of his sexual orientation, Kim’s management agency did not renew his contract and many TV programs and fashion shows cancelled his appearances. His blog was bombarded with numerous messages denouncing his sexual orientation.

Choi Jin Sil
October 2, 2008 (aged 39)

Choi Jin sil committed suicide by hanging herself at her home in Seoul. Her death cause of greater stress due to the rumors circulating on the internet that she was involved in the suicide of her close friend actor Ahn Jae-Hwa.

Ahn Jae Hwan

Died : September 8, 2008 (aged 36) found dead in car

 His death probably due to high stress by failed business ventures with  debts of nearly 4 million USD. Besides seeing the debt snowballing each day due to interest, debtors also turned up daily at the doorsteps asking for their money back which added to his stress levels. 

Jeong Da-bin
Died : February 10, 2007 (aged 26)

She found dead in the bathroom of her boyfriend’s apartment with hung herself with a towel. Police reported  that Jung committed suicide out of extreme stress, based on the boyfriend’s account and the absence of any signs of struggle.

U-Nee / Lee Hye-Ryeon
January 21, 2007 (aged 25)

Korea Pop Singer  was found, hanged, in her home in Seo-gu, Incheon, South Korea.  She suffered from early bouts of depression, for which she took medication, and had problems dealing with the pressure of fame, as well as personal problems. There was no suicide note, but she did write that she felt lonely on a Web site: “I feel everything is empty. I am again walking down a path to reach a destination that I don’t know."

Lee Eun Ju
Died : February 22, 2005 (aged 24)

She hanged herself with a necktie in a dressing room with left a suicide note scrawled in blood, in which she wrote "Mom, I am sorry and I love you,"

Lee starred in the hit movie Taeguki, and her family blamed the suicide on severe bouts of depression and mental illness, and suffering from insomnia due to the nude scenes she had done in The Scarlet Letter.

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