
30 Ogo 2012


Sometime it hard to understand the mind of Engineer. It not too detail like doctor  also not to complicated like lawyer but it more outside the box.

Maybe Engineer's life  facing  not only look to detail by take a lot of risk during design stage when money is main criteria in order to meet requirement in term of technical aspect. Engineer also cum to lawyer in order to ensure all trade in contract to follow as stated in contract document so that all work shall be in legal aspect but sometime need to gamble when period of construction time is critical to the project. The also need to be as politician when facing the third parties problem that can affected the project  in order to buy a time so that the work can go without delay. The worst thing as engineer when need turn to magician where the work need to proceed at critical area with critical time without follow normal procedure of work but it full fill all requirement in design.

29 Ogo 2012


I really like the humor regarding  on character of Engineer when speak a word especially during meeting because i also used a same word in order to cover our ass.

 It was funny because the engineer is  not a good liar and a reason given by quote the technical fact sometimes it mean nothing at all.

What is said
A number of different approaches are being tried.
What it means
We don't know where we're going, but we're moving.

13 Ogo 2012


South Korea currently has the highest suicide rate among the others countries even surpassed Japan's rate.

Before South Korea got rich, wired and worried, its suicide rate was among the lowest in the industrialized world. But modernity has spawned inordinate levels of stress. People here work more, sleep less and spend more money per capita on cram schools than residents of the 29 other industrialized countries that belong to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.

11 Ogo 2012


Saya teringat satu peristiwa didalam lift ketika bersama anak yang baru pulang dari sekolah kebangsaan. Kebetulan pada masa yang sama satu keluarga berketurunan cina bersama anak mereka turut masuk kedalam lift. Oleh kerana berbeza kulit kami tidak banyak bercakap didalam lift walaupun tahu dimana keluarga tersebut tinggal. Ini mungkin disebabkan pengasingan sekolah pada zaman saya era 1970 an sehingga ke universiti membuat saya merasa orang cina seperti bangsa asing. tiba - tiba anak saya yang bersekolah rendah bertanya 

"Papa kenapa orang cina tidak mahu sekolah dengan kami ?" 

saya terpaksa menjawab "Mereka pergi sekolah mereka yang menggunakan bahasa cina" 

" oooh jadi mereka memang tak mahu sekolah dengan orang melayulah tapi kan papa kat sekolah kami pun ada orang india".

Mengingati peristiwa tersebut agak sukar saya hendak jelaskan kepada anak kecil yang masih suci fikirannya mengenai masalah kaum di Malaysia. Seringkali kami ibu bapa terpaksa menipu fakta sebenar kepada anak anak kerana ingin menjaga hati dan perasaan orang cina.

7 Ogo 2012


Bridge Vertical Clearance

If we see the picture, absolutely we will ask the question why this incident happened. 

Did the driver of truck is over confident with his assumption that the clearance provided enough to get through the bridge. 

 Or did the engineer not consider the high of truck in the design ?

Or did the driver are not well educated in the clearance high of bridge by authorities?

With reference to the Bridge Design For JKR Specification (Malaysia), the designer shall refer to the latest Authorities Requirement for roadway crossing in their bridge design in order to obtain an approval for construction. 

The local authorities such as State JKR, Town Municipal, etc will provide the specification of their department to consultant to comply in the design for crossing bridge.   

The following information of the crossing road is required for bridge planning

    (i)  About Existing Road
􀂊              Class and grade
􀂊              Cross sectional profile
􀂊              Right of way
􀂊              Clearance limit
􀂊              Longitudinal profile

    (ii) About Future Plan
􀂊              Designated, or not designated to roads of city planning 
               Sidewalk   plan, or not
􀂊              Overlay and widening plan, or not
􀂊              Cycle track plan, or not

    iii) About Public Utilities

    iv) Vertical Clearance Limit

In Malaysia the standard clearance height of 5.3m above the existing
road surface under the soffit of the planned bridge beam is recommended for the design.

So far there no  accident reported regarding on the truck hit the bridge due to the vertical clearance. maybe  Malaysian driver is well educated with the clearance of bridge.  I hope the below accident will not happened in Malaysia

if it happened in Malaysia  I believe that the driver is really damn stupid driver and how he get the license.   

6 Ogo 2012



My first step on Japan soil was at Kyoto Station. Kyoto Station is the most important transportation hub in Kyoto, Japan. It has Japan's second-largest train station building (after Nagoya Station) and is one of the country's largest buildings, incorporating a shopping mall, hotel, movie theater, Isetan department store, and several local government facilities under one 15-story roof. 

I Spent  a night at Kyoto Tower Hotel which located in front of Kyoto Station.

  During check in to Kyoto Tower Hotel you will get free ticket to Kyoto Tower and will see the Kyoto Town from top view. 

The present Kyoto Station opened in 1997 with 70 meters high and 470 meters from east to west, with a total floor area of 238,000 square meters. Architecturally, it exhibits many characteristics of futurism, with a slightly irregular cubic facade of plate glass over a steel frame. 

It was amazing to see such a architectural design using steel structure with combined a lot of bend and curve that can create modern technology.

Aside from the main building on the north side of the station, the Hachijō-guchi building on the south side was built to house Tōkaidō Shinkansen which started operation in 1964. The underground facilities of the station, including the shopping mall Porta beneath the station square, was constructed when the subway opened in 1981.

5 Ogo 2012


Return to my school Maktab Rendah Sains MARA Jelebu 

After 20 years past by, finally I have strength and time to come back to my previous secondary school where spent my studies during Form 2 and Form 3 from 1991 - 1993.

 Even though it located not far away from my home town ( Jempol)  but it so hard for me in  term of emotional aspect to come back there because it will recall all the sweet memories and tear of my heart about real life.

MRSM Jelebu were setup on 20 April 1987 and it located beside of Dato' Luak Jelebu Negeri Sembilan's house.  The building of the school during that time made from part of wood and brick and according to the senior's story, some of the building were army barrack during world war 2.  The scariest part when some of the senior make a story that during the world war 2, the Japanese soldier killed the traitor that they captured by cut off their head at one of the our hostel area. 

I  was there in december 1991 registered as form 2 student . if not mistake our batch only consist 30+++ where we gathered in only one classroom.  

My journey to my old school from Jempol using the federal route 1 to the Simpang Pertang town.