
22 Jan 2012

Welcome to Jempol's life

Welcome to Jempol's Life

Jempol is one of the district that form the state of Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia. The district located near to borders another Malaysian state of Pahang  to the northeast.  The population of the Jempol was increasing by end of 1970 due to the resettling of the  Peneroka Felda under Gugusan Felda Negeri Sembilan. Bandar Seri Jempol is the principal towns in Jempol.  The Jempol district were divided to 5 province  with total area 138,600 Ha and total population are 122,800 peoples.

57, 548.89 HEKTAR
32, 184.00 HEKTAR
24, 997.03 HEKTAR
19, 361.83 HEKTAR
4, 477.50 HEKTAR

Jempol known historically as 'Jalan Penarikan', as important tranportation role during ancient time because it connected trade posts west of the Malay Penisular with population centers in the east coast between Pahang river and Muar Rivers.  This was because the Serting River flows into the Bera River, a tributary of the Pahang River. jempol river flows into Muar River. Trading boats from River Muar could continue their journey until they reach Kuala Pahang in Pekan, or Kuala Lipis to continue into Terengganu, Kelantan or Perak. it called 'Jalan Penarikan' because of the pulling of boats overland in order to continue the journey to another river.

First, they sailed from Malacca along the Muar River to reach Jempol River, where they have to pull the boats on shore for a short distance to get into the Serting River. They then continue their journey along the Bera River to arrive at Kuala Tahan from which they proceeded to the South China Sea.During ancient time 
'Jalan Penarikan'  played a vital role in the military operations between Siam and Malacca. Using this route, the Siamese have launched many attacks against Malacca. A troop was sent to make an ambush. Half of the troop stayed near Jalan Penarikan as backup and the other half attacked Malacca. However, the backup group has another mission, they have to dig a big canal measuring 30 feet by 20 feet in depth, so that they could connect the two rivers, Jempol and Serting River.
A leader of the Thai Army was later buried near Jalan Penarikan. The tombstone was believed to have been transported all the way from Thailand. The Siamese leader's grave could still be found near Jalan Penarikan. 
thee routes also witnessed many significant events in history. The famous Malaccan warrior Hang Tuah, while on the run with Tun Teja, used Jalan Penarikan to flee to Pahang. The last Sultan of Malacca, Sultan Mahmud Shah was also used Jalan Penarikan to escape to Pahang after falling of Malacca to Portuguese.

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