
13 Apr 2016

How to live at Kyoto - Shigakuin International House ( Part 1)

Jejak Kembara di Bumi Sakura-  Shigakuin International house.

Ohayo gozaimasu

 Bagi setiap pelajar yang melanjutkan pelajaran di Kyoto Universiti pasti mempunyai pengalaman tinggal di Shigakuin International House. Pengalaman tinggal di Shigakuin pasti satu pengalaman yang pasti tidak dapat di lupai selamanya.

7 Apr 2016

Cracking in Concrete

Learning Basic Knowledge As Civil Engineer

Cracking in concrete

ohayo gozaimasu.  
  • As Civil Engineer, cracking in concrete is hard to determine either it can affected the strength of structural or the structural is safe to be use.  
  • Based on experience working as Civil Engineer, the crack issue sometime become complicated to resolve between contractor and consultant. 
  • So far in Malaysia there no guide line and standard procedure that shall be follow in order to resolve this cracking issue. 
  • Please be reminded that crack and honeycomb is not a same. If honeycomb even it seen as severe honeycomb, it still can be repaired by proposing using grout cement material. However, cracking in concrete is sometime more difficult to handle. Even it seen barely visual, it is hard to prove to designer that the integrity of structure is not affected.
  • Many cases, when this cracking in structure raised up to top management, normally main consultant will reject the structure with reason the cracking in concrete are not acceptable to be use because the strength and durability of structure is affected and questionable unless the contractor can prove otherwise.
  • If the structure such as sump, drainage or any structural as long it not involving the public and live load, it still can be acceptable by main consultant. Normally the cracking in concrete will be come to argument for the pre stressing structure such as Precast Beam, Precast Box Girder etc because of it is main structure and the cost is very expensive.
  • Concrete is basically a mixture of three components: aggregates, water and cement. The aggregate component is normally comprised of sand and gravel or crushed stone.
  • The cement component is normally comprised of cementing materials, (portland cement with or without supplementary cementing materials), water, and air.